Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Six Thoughts Of The People Economy For A Developing Country

1. The people economy is economy held by the people. Economy held by people is that the national economy that is rooted to the potential and power of community at large to run their own economy. People referred to all citizens.

2. The people economic empowerment is efforts to make the economy strong, large, modern, and highly competitive in market mechanism that is true. Because
the constraint of people economic development is a structural constraint, then the solution is that the people economic empowerment must be made through structural changes.

3. Structural change as mentioned above is a change from a traditional economy to a modern economy, the weak economy to the strong economy, from subsistence economies to market economy, from dependence to independence. Step-by-step process of structural change, including:
  • Allocating the fount of resources empowerment
  • Institutional strengthening
  • Mastery of technology, and
  • Empowerment of human resources
4. The people economic empowerment, is not sufficient when only by increase productivity, provide equal opportunities for enterprises, and only give capital injection as stimulant, but it must be secured with the cooperation and close partnership between the advanced groups with the weak and underdeveloped groups.

5. Policies in the people economic empowerment people are:
  • Giving opportunities and greater access to productive assets (especially capital)
  • Strengthening the position of transaction and partnership of the people economic enterprise, so as the subject of people economy is not just price takers
  • Education and health services
  • Strengthening of small scale industries
  • Encourage the emergence of new entrepreneurs, and
  • Spatial distribution.
6. Community empowerment activities include:
  • Increasing access to venture capital assistance
  • Increasing access to human resource development, and
  • Increasing access to facilities and infrastructure that support directly to the socio-economic aspects of local communities.


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